PPC Software Kabutoday v2.11

Kabutoday v2.11 Freeware For PocketPc

a great Today screin

Author: Yishin
Home: http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley/8491/

Email: CYH03533@nifty.ne.jp
Description:Kabutoday is a Today screen plug-in that lets arly follow financial information (on the condition, of course, that your Pocket PC is connected to the Internet).
You can display up to 10 values at a time which can be of 3 types: action values (according to their US code), rate of change (EUR, JP, USD, etc.) and indices (Nikkei, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, FTSE, etc.). 

Download Kabutoday Pocketpc Freeware

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