DivX Player 0.83 For PPC

DivX Player 0.83 Freeware For Smartphones PocketPC
DivX Mobile Player for you PocketPC from divx.com

How to Use DivX Mobile Content:
*Navigate through this content site
*Select a piece of content to view
*Click on DivX Video Format if you have a DivX compatible video player on your handset.[This is an additional application you need to install on your handset].
*Click on 3GPP Video Format if you have a 3GPP compatible video player on your handset. [This includes most camera and video phones available today]
for content video visit:here

Download FoR Microsoft Devices (for Windows Mobile 2002 and greater)
Windows Mobile SmartPhone: 2002/2003
Microsoft Mobile Pocket PC: 2002/2003, Windows Mobile 5

For downloading to a PC and installing using ActiveSync, use the following link:
Windows Mobile Smartphone, PC installer
Windows Mobile Pocket PC, PC installer

Palm Devices (version 5.0 or greater)
Download to PC first, unzip the file and load both files to the PalmOS device.
Palm OS: Treo 600, 650, Tungsten C, E, T3, T5, Zire 72, Samsung SGH-i530, Sony Clie, Tapwave Zodiac

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